Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Protect Yourself At All Times aka Fair Is as Fair Does."

Turnabout is fair play.

So by now we all know what happened in the Mayweather vs. Ortiz match.  Floyd KO'd Oritz in controversial fashion.  Now before I get into this, lets get one thing out the way:  I am not one of these die hard Floyd Mayweather fans.  I'm a boxing fan.  As it pertains to Floyd I'm firmly in the "stop making excuses and fight Pacman" camp.

When he first introduced the drug testing stipulations during the first negotiations, I had no problem with it.  I thought the fact the Manny wouldn't agree to the testing was suspect.  Then when Pac agreed to the testing with the one condition of no needles the day of the fight, and Floyd still didn't make the match I thought it was suspect.  Stop making subliminal accusations and fight the man.

So with that being said; anyone who saw that fight and says what Floyd did was dirty is either a hater or a fool.  There are no two ways about it.  Ortiz was fighting dirty the whole fight, headbutting during the clinch i.e. Holyfield or Hopkins, throwing elbows and such.  Floyd never once complained to the ref and just keep fighting his fight.   Then Ortiz tried to hit him with a blatant headbutt.  Dude jumped off his feet in the attempt!  When the ref deducted a point, Ortiz then tried to play like it was a mistake and apologize to Floyd, hugging and kissing him.  We all know what happened next, a two piece special with no drink.

Now I see people talking about how "dirty" it was. I don't understand what type of twisted ethics allows you to complain about someone responding in kind.  You're not going to spit in my face purposely, blatantly, then apologize to me, and really expect me to accept your apology.  I don't know where they do that at, but it's not going down in my household.  You can't cheat and then complain about the rules.  Especially when what Floyd did was within the rules.  They touched gloves, and anything after that is fair.
"Time was in, the fighter needed to keep his guard up. Mayweather did nothing illegal."- HOF referee Joe Cortez

If Ortiz feels different, let him go for the rematch and get boxed up "fairly" as was going to happen anyway.  Dude had no shot at winning, and he knew it.  That's why he was fighting dirty to begin with, and that's why he didn't even try to beat the 10 count.  He was laying on his back thinking "What's the point? I'm just gonna end up back down here anyway."  #Bringonpacmanalready

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