Friday, April 22, 2011

Things People Do.

So Steve Harvey had 10g's walk out of his office.    Apparently an intern is suspected of taking the money.  The accused claims to know nothing of the missing money, but then pulls the classic thief move: "I didn't take it, but I'll get you the money back."  The are all kinds of variations of this, "I'll help you look for it" knowing damn well they have it.  "No I won't let you check my pockets! I'm insulted that you even asked! Now go look over there and I'll look over here.  Found it!"  "You're missing how much? Damn... I got to go." 

My only question is, why Steve had that much money in a bag in his office?  That sounds off, in and of itself.  Like he was about to go make a "transaction".  Still it's always disappointing when you trust someone who ultimately demonstrates they aren't worthy of your trust.  If you ask me it was short sighted of the thief.  When you do the math on the future opportunities he cut himself off from for a one time payday... 

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