Thursday, May 26, 2011


  Police found such a small amount of crack cocaine in James V. Taylor’s car that investigators described it as unweighable. It was enough for a 15-year prison sentence in Missouri, where the courts make an enormous distinction between crack and powder cocaine.


When I first read the headline "Man Receives 15 years for unweighable amount of Crack", besides wondering if unweighable is really a word, I was thinking it meant there was so much it couldn't be weighed.  "That has got to be the biggest crack rock ever!", I thought.  Imagine my surprise when reading the above quote.  That's how they're doing it down in Missouri?  Locking people up for 15 years for a crumb?  Ri. Di. Cu. Lous.

I've never understood the legal distinction between Crack and Cocaine.  Where's the logic in penalizing the end product far more harshly than it's source?  Seems to me if you want to do something about Crack you would up the ante on Cocaine.  The only way that makes since in my mind is, if you're trying to target the dealers while giving the suppliers a pass.  Essentially guaranteeing a cycle where the supply of dealers never ends, and neither does the supply of Cocaine.  You keep your prisons filled, you keep people stuck at the bottom of the social ladder, and you make a whole lot of money in the process.  Prisons are big business after all.   

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