Friday, May 27, 2011

Nice Guys Finish Last?

The study suggests that flashing a 'winning smile' is not the way to a woman's heart.
Indeed, men who swagger or look gloomy are much more likely to get pulses racing.
The surprising findings may help to explain the enduring appeal of 'bad boys'.
Experts say the findings indicate that smiling men do not appear to be as strong, powerful or masculine as those who glower or who seem arrogant.
In contrast, men are far more attracted to happy, smiling women.
It is suggested this is because men prefer more approachable, submissive women.
The research, carried out by a team of psychologists, may prompt men to change their dating behaviour and update profile pictures used on dating websites.
Professor Jessica Tracy, who led the study, said: "Showing a happy face may be considered essential to friendly social interactions, including those involving sexual attraction.
"However, there's been little research into whether a smile is, in fact, attractive.
"This study finds that men and women respond very differently to displays of emotion, including smiles.
"We found that women were least attracted to smiling, happy men, preferring those who looked proud and powerful or moody.
"In contrast, male participants were most sexually attracted to women who looked happy, and least attracted to women who appeared proud and confident."


It's funny how you always hear women complaining about wanting a good man, or conversely complaining about the man they have not being worth a damn.  While on the other hand you hear the good guys complaining about women not being interested in them. 

Well here you have it,  most women are attracted to the wrong type of guys.  Obviously this doesn't apply to every woman.  But for those who it does apply to, I think it's because they have this belief in their ability to "fix" or "change" a man.  These women like a "fixer upper".

On the other hand I know a lot of strong independent women who complain about men being intimidated by them or not being interested.  Appears they have a case too. 

So you have a culture that has feminize the men, the result being women not being attracted to them, and conversely out culture has empowered women, the result being men not being attracted to them.  Hows that for irony?

What I find most fascinating is how much we are influence by things we don't realize.  If you asked most women what they wanted I'm sure they'd describe the opposite of what they are actually attracted to.  And most men would deny (in public anyway) they are in any way less attracted to strong women than submissive women.

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