Friday, June 3, 2011

Justice Department Wasting Time

PHOTO: Former Sen. John Edwards The United States Department of Justice has green-lighted the prosecution of former presidential candidate John Edwards for alleged violations of campaign laws while he tried to cover up an extra-marital affair, ABC News has learned.
A source close to the case said Edwards is aware that the government intends to seek an indictment and that the former senator from North Carolina is now considering his limited options. He could accept a plea bargain with prosecutors or face a potentially costly trial.

First they waste millions trying to prove Barry Bonds lied. Now they want to try John Efor covering up an affair 3+ years ago, but still haven't lifted a finger to prosecute the people who put our economy in the toilet bowel while lining their pockets? I don't care if John Edwards covered up an affair. That's what people having affairs do, they cover it up! Otherwise it's not an affair its Mormonism. I don't care if Barry Bonds lied about using PED's everyone in his era used them and he was still the best of the best. I do care the the financial sector engaged in willful fraud and got a taxpayer funded bailout as a reward. If you took a poll of the American people I'm quite sure I'm in the overwhelming majority.

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